Kneeling Chair

An ergonomic kneeling chair is designed with a forward tilting seat and knee supports which brings the hips forward to improve posture and relieve tension in the lower back. The age old aphorism of "Sit up straight, don't slouch" really works with knee chairs. Ergonomic kneeling chairs can be made from a wood or metal frame, have a foam cushion, and fabric cover.

The kneeling chair is also available in different sizes to accommodate persons of small to large frames.

An kneeling chair can be used by people of all ages, young and old. The ergonomic kneeling chair can be bought in local stores or through online companies that specialize in ergonomic office seating. Some prices are based upon the style or additional features of the particular chair.

The wooden frame chairs are typically higher in price, and the chairs with extra features such as the back and side handles are also higher in price. The ergonomic kneeling chair is a good solid investment in your future health as well as current comfort.

Ergonomic kneel chairs are designed to ensure that when you are working for long periods of time in a sit-down position that you maintain a correct posture to prevent spinal problems.

Conventional Chairs

Kneeling Chairs

What's Wrong With Conventional Chairs?. A conventional desk chair is limiting in its ability for you to change positions. Fortunately, kneel chairs allow you to distribute your weight across various positions when sitting to help you prevent becoming stuck in one position for too long.

However, it is important to note that while kneel chairs are a great remedy for back pain, they ultimately should be used in tandem with a conventional chair to provide variation for your body.

Most kneeling chairs are built at a fixed angle that only raises the thighs 60 degrees--as far as the hip joint naturally allows. Without the pressure of your pelvis and chair back fighting each other, sitting upright becomes very easy.

Replacing your regular chair with a kneeling chair is likely to boost your energy, reduce daily pains and fatigue, and provide the added postural benefit of walking taller and prouder than you ever have before.